Puro Health and Wellness Center is offering an exclusive FREE seminar on Stress, Hormones, and Health- The True Cause of Belly Fat presented by leading wellness expert, Dr. Lisa Sullivan.
DATE: Saturday January 21, 2017
TIME: 12:00pm
LOCATION: What's In Your Cup?
Call 734-716-5588 now to reserve your spot. Come join us and receive a complimentary $10 gift card to What's In Your Cup? (gift card will be given at the presentation)
You will learn...
- How hormone imbalances can affect your sleep cycles, carbohydrate cravings, and fat burning.
- Why "counting calories" doesn't work for belly fat.
- Learn the biggest mistakes that people make with exercise that prevents weight loss.
- What really works for permanent loss of belly fat and bulges- safely and healthily!
Call 734-340-9097 or sign up below!